Sometimes we find ourselves in a tricky situation: urgently need coffee but have no brewing tools in hand. No worries, there are some simple ways to brew coffee! Here are some tips for how to make simple coffee without a brewer at home or for example in woods.
Best simple coffee hacks
This is always needed in addition to the list of tools per a method:
WoodiPeck's Ground coffee (ratio: 60 grams pe a liter of cold water)
Measure or scale
Fresh water
Heat source: cooktop, stove, open fire or camping heater (not for ice coffee nor cold brew though)
1. Cowboy Coffee
Somewhat popular way of brewing - also called pot coffee or stovetop coffee

Coffee pot or a kettle
How to brew
Heat the water in the vessel.
As soon as the water reaches the boiling temperature, remove the vessel from the heat source.
Measure the WoodiPeck's coffee grounds and put them into the vessel and stir to mix them.
Place the vessel back on the heat source. As soon as you see the coffee starting to create bubbles, remove the vessel again from the heat source.
Let the coffee steep for approx. 4 minutes.
At this point there are some optional tricks you can do:
“Spook” the coffee. This is done by adding a dash of ice cold water on the coffee. It makes the grounds to drown faster. Alternatively you can tap the vessel against a table or similar. The rumor tells that spooking is sometimes done simply by roaring at the coffee…
Stick a small pine branch into the spout of the pot. It will keep the grounds inside the pot when pouring!
2. DIY Coffee Filter Bag
An easy coffee hack using stuff people usually have at home.

Cup, pitcher, kettle or bowl - basically any kind of a vessel, also a coffee cup if using a separate vessel for brewing
Paper towel or nappy cloth - basically any kind of filter material made of paper, cloth or plastic
String, ribbon or clothespin
How to brew:
Heat the water.
Fit the filter on the top of the vessel chosen.
Make a pit in the middle of the filter to put the WoodiPeck's coffee grounds in.
Attach the filter on its place by a string, ribbon or clothespin.
Wet the filter.
Measure the coffee grounds and put them into the filter.
Add hot water: bloom and pulse.
Remove the filter with grounds after you have finished the brew.
3. Coffee Strainer
Extremely simple method with stuff that pretty much everyone has at home.

Cup, pitcher, kettle or bowl - basically any kind of a vessel, also a coffee cup if using a separate vessel for brewing
Strainer or a sieve
How to brew:
Heat the water.
Put the strainer on top of the vessel.
Measure the WoodiPeck's coffee grounds and put them into the strainer.
Put the strainer on top of the vessel. If the vessel is wide, you can also place the strainer on the bottom, just make sure the rim of the strainer will not get merged into the liquid.
Add hot water: bloom and pulse.
Remove the filter with grounds after you have finished the brew.